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Concurso de E-Zine

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Concurso de E-Zine Empty Concurso de E-Zine

Mensaje  MarioJPC Miér Feb 16, 2011 9:33 pm

Just a reminder that the Rival Magic competition will remain open until 28/02/2011.

To win your choice of supplement (The Church is nearly here, remember), send in you characters, locations, vis sources, or scenarios designed around one or more of the four factions described in Rival Magic. The winner will appear in issue seven.

And 28/02 is also the target date for any other submissions to the magazine, so you still have plenty of time to knock that idea into shape.

Mago en formación

Mensajes : 689
Fecha de inscripción : 17/06/2010
Edad : 39
Localización : Torrejón de Ardoz

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